Friday, February 18, 2011

Sulabh international

The Sulabh International social service organization founded by Dr.Bindeswari Pathak in the year 1970. it is a very large service in which more than 35000 volunteer who work to promote human rights, environmental sanitation, health and hygienic, non conventional soures of energy, waste management and social reforms through education, training and awareness campaigns. it has set up an English medium public school in new Delhi and also a network of center all over the country to train poor boys and girls so that they can compete in in open job market. the economic and social council of united nations has granted special consultative states to Sulabh in recognition of  its out standing service to mankind.

1 comment:

  1. this is really very good approch in the field of social development... 3 selute from my Mr. Sulabh.
